
A Unique Way To Support Our Charity

Looking for a great way to get your holiday shopping done, save money and support AKT Foundation? We have an idea for you. With the holiday season upon us, why not shop online and avoid all the hassles of traffic and long lines? We suggest Smile from Amazon.com. Read on to learn more about this and how you can get your shopping done and support a charity without any extra cost to you. 

The holiday shopping season has arrived and Black Friday is almost here. Many holiday shoppers are doing their shopping online rather than fighting the traffic and the long lines at your local retail stores. 

This Black Friday and throughout the holiday shopping season many online outlets like Amazon.com Ebay.com will have great deals and in some cases free shipping. Saving you a lot of time and hassle with your gift shopping. This is also a great season for giving to those less fortunate and in need. 

Amazon has come up with a great way to allow you to shop for your favorite items and support a charity without costing you additional money. In fact, you can save money and still support your favorite charity. It's called Amazon Smile

AKT Foundation is listed and registered with Amazon Smile. So, how does this work? It is simple. Go to smile.amazon.com, do your shopping, and at checkout you can select the charity you wish to support. Your Amazon login credentials are the same at smile.amazon.com as they are Amazon.com and you will still get all the Amazon Prime benefits. Once you make your purchase, Amazon will donate a percentage of that purchase to the charity you have selected. Of course, we hope you select AKT Foundation as your charity to support.

This is a win for you. Not only will you get all the great deals Amazon is offering on Black Friday and beyond, you will also get to avoid the traffic and retail store mobs! The best part is that you get to support a charity without spending any extra money. Doesn't that make you smile?  

The AKT foundation is a non-profit organization, which is focused on helping as many people as possible through donation drives and fundraising events.  We are best known for our food festivals, including The Soup Cook Off and The Great Bake Off, where chefs compete and the public votes for the winning chef.  Proceeds from these events help us to provide toiletries and other essential items to people in need. We also collect donations of toiletries and accessories which we distribute to people at local homeless shelters.

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